All livestock need fresh water for their bodies to function. They gain water not only through the action of drinking but also from the greenfood they eat. Unfortunately, on our farm, the green feed is seasonal . We have one rain season and that is when they access green food.

Water is vital for bodily functions such as regulation of temperature, nutrient uptake, removing wastes, body weight, and health. Losing one tenth of the body’s water can results in death as the body will shut down.

This compelled us to construct a cattle watering area on our farm. See pictures below.

1 Comment

  • Posted October 10, 2017 2:48 pm by Adam Brown 2Likes

    Wuis suspendisse sed, est ultrices rhoncus itaque metus quis, lacus consequat magna justo magna, molestie sapien lectus. Dapibus lacinia neque ut penatibus, risus mauris.

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